The report aims to plug the gap in insurance-specific guidance.
Signposting the opportunity is one place to start.
The climate protest group is targeting insurance companies during a week of action.
Bullying and sexual harassment were the most commonly reported incidents.
Risk managers are increasingly concerned about insurability.
The hub aims to be a single point of assessment and access to the market.
DEI has faced a backlash in the US where companies have pulled back from targets and initiatives.
The panellists discussed possible actions to improve racial and ethnic inclusion within organisations.
‘We need to track our metrics, we need to hold ourselves accountable,’ said Andrew Corbin-Turner.
CFC developed and employed the lenders carbon-credit insurance policy with Standard Chartered Bank.
Only 14% of board seats are filled by women, but directors at brokers tend to be younger than at managing agents.
A quick roundup of the week’s main stories.