DEI has faced a backlash in the US where companies have pulled back from targets and initiatives.
The panellists discussed possible actions to improve racial and ethnic inclusion within organisations.
‘We need to track our metrics, we need to hold ourselves accountable,’ said Andrew Corbin-Turner.
Only 14% of board seats are filled by women, but directors at brokers tend to be younger than at managing agents.
A quick roundup of the week’s main stories.
The festival will host more than 130 events across 48 countries to promote D&I.
Expectations of what “walking the walk” means for leaders have risen.
LMG's latest London Matters report reveals that UK capital has lost ground to the US and Bermuda in some lines.
Lloyd’s may be wary of making disciplinary hearings more public, but it could at least make processes more transparent.
London Market Group CEO Caroline Wagstaff said more firms outside of the Top Three broking businesses had to engage in the process.
Speaking as a witness on the “Sexism in the City” panel, Braun described sexism in the industry as “completely unacceptable and shocking.”
The Corporation’s head of culture Mark Lomas said: “We know we can’t undo the past, but we can do something about the inequalities we see today.”