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September 2001/1

  • Roger Foord has mixed views on the current changes... The Lloyd's and London insurance market has in the past twelve months suddenly developed a 'latent wake up call' to the point of serious self criticism as even the chairman of Lloyd's has felt compe
  • The Insurance Insider’s comprehensive analysis of the Lloyd’s auctions starts with Laptop’s analysis of every syndicate trading, together with our own exclusive ratings Lloyd’s 2001 auctions began on the 4 September. Only two facts can be safely predic
  • Court of Appeal defeat leaves fraud as insurers only defence option as they seek to void film finance losses A landmark Court of Appeal decision has stymied insurers' early successes in voiding film losses that threatens to cost the industry over $2bn
  • ‘Unicover’ litigation causes continuing uncertainty over Zurich Re “spin-off” Zurich Financial Services, the global giant who has seen its share price slump after a February profits warning and disappointing March year ends, is considering a public off
  • Contingency market underwrites the murky viatical industry Lloyd's worthy reputation for underwriting the specialist, niche and downright quirky has been reinforced by the discovery that its contingency market has insured viatical companies - instituti
  • Key players in the insurance backed film finance scandal are involved in writing viatical insurance If there is a greater absurdity than insurers guaranteeing the financial success of un produced films, then perhaps guaranteeing someone's death might r
  • Latest estimates show Lloyd’s loses £3.4bn in four year slump, 2000 forecasts show wide disparity in results The wanton destruction caused by the recent slump in market rates has forced Lloyd's to revise downwards its 1999 projections to a loss of £1.3
  • CNA's commitment to the London Market appears shaky as the loss struck Group puts its London reinsurer up for sale and relocates centre of expertise to Zurich CNA Re's restructuring and proposed sale of London Market subsidiary CNA Reinsurance Company
  • (A B & perhaps C rated) BF Caudle Syndicate 2(Upton) Growing in popularity now that Advent/BF Caudle have acquired the Kingsmead Agency.The XOL orientation of the account leads recovery of the marine sector; and the Syndicate has consistently outperfo
  • Insurers hit by D&O losses in wake of shareholder class-actions over collapsed stock prices History, they say, always repeats itself. Ian Youngman, in his 1999 book Directors and Officers Liability Insurance, observed that the first US D&O policies wer