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There are 65,203 results that match your search.65,203 results
  • At last, the protracted sale of Lutine Life, the services company owned by five Life syndicates, is complete. St. Paul, owners of the managing agency controlling Life Syndicate 779, is paying £8mn. Each of the five member Syndicates (Chartwell 44, Wren 38
  • Goshawk Goshawk might look a tad on the small size when it comes to market capitalisation, but it's got quite an enviable advantage over virtually all of its bigger Lloyd's peers. All Lloyd's vehicles dream of owning 100 per cent of their managed capac
  • Oh, to be a recruitment consultant. The belief that rates are returning towards levels of probity and - more crucially - the corrosive effect of three years of masochistic underwriting is causing a profound shake-up. As the market jostles for starting pos
  • Since we began Schiff ’s Insurance Observer twelve years ago, we’ve generally maintained an attitude of skepticism. However, not wanting to be a stopped clock that’s right twice a day, we’ve tried not to let our skepticism turn into cynicism, tainting our
  • Déjà vu - all over again Brian Pomeroy and Rosalind Gilmore are no doubt feeling an uneasy sense of déjà vu. At Lloyd's they are known for being two of the worthy members of the Prudential Supervisory Committee, the body responsible for the implementat
  • RSA and CGNU handled the recent floods with aplomb, but will they and smaller insurers find themselves suffering after the latest storms? Loss assessors are an unreliable bunch. Take the dreadful flooding that in England's south east recently; before
  • Laptop takes a look at investments at Lloyd’s and the recent trend of working capital cash calls, and argues for a review of procedures In closing the 1997 account on the 31st December 1999 Lloyd syndicates used £849mn of their premium income to boost
  • Unicover, the workers compensation debacle responsible for hundreds of millions of losses to a wide selection of brokers and reinsurance companies, continues to cause problems for those involved.
  • Omega completes 529 acquisition Lloyd's managing agency Omega Underwriting Agents, who manage the non-marine Syndicate 958, are to takeover the business of troubled Syndicate 529, subject to final approval by the Lloyd’s regulators. This follows the
  • There may be a time - in the not so distant future - when the property/casualty market returns to its senses; Snide sincerely hopes so. However a failure to confront the issues that determine the market's future will only render it 'non compos mentis' for